is a non-profit project, being aimed to be a free and open book library, users can download and share books for everybody. recommends you to buy copyright books to support authors and publishers.
Team Members
2 members. We're having our own primary job in a technology company. is open book library, free for everyone. If you have any favorite book, let's upload and share it to everyone. Every book you shared makes our community bigger and stronger 😍
Operation Expense
Domain expense: 750.000 VND/year
Server expense (Amazon Web Service): ~50-60 USD/month
Advertisement income: 0 VND/month.
Donate income: 0 VND/month is always free and no ads
The information provided by ("us", "we", or "our") on the website (the "Service") is for non-profit purpose only. By using our service you understand that we make no representation or warranty of any kind for any information uploaded by the community on our service. All content are copyrighted to the authors. If you wish to use any copyrighted content from our service that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain expressed permission from the copyright owner